Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ashland, Oregon

Our first month in Oregon was crazy! We couldn't find a place to live in Medford Oregon, where Brent's job was, so we just camped in the r pod for a while. The space was tight, to say the least, but the city we ended up in, Ashland Oregon, was magical. Here is our month in pictures.

First off, when we finally got settled we explored a bit of the Pacific Crest Trail.


Next, was a visit to the farmers market and then picnicking on all the goodies we bought.

Then we headed out to hike Pilot Rock (that tall rock in the first picture) with some friends.

Zadie has a large ledge in front of her... I promise! (Mt Shasta in the distance)

Mt Mclaughlin in the distance

We checked out the local science museum on a rainy day.

We spent so many beautiful afternoons at Lithia Park. 

We did eventually find a place to rent closer to Brent's job, but anytime we had a free day we would always find our way back to Ashland. 

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